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We try to search about 500 Minnesota inmate names per month for unclaimed property and usually come up with around 100 potential matches. Of these matches we put priority to those we find with matching first names, middle initials, and last names, have over $100 missing, and fit into our code of ethics. We do not include common names that have lots of matches. Then we send those people postcards along with however many other matches we have enough stamps for. We have a huge backlog of inmates we would love to write to but don’t have enough stamps to do so. We need stamps more than anything else but could also use help running our searches. Anyone with time, money, or talent to spare is encouraged to contact us. We simply do this to be nice and help people. We do not expect anything in return. However, if an inmate wants to help us contact more people, they are encouraged to tell their loved ones to send us stamps.

What we do: Inner_about


We are not affiliated with any religion. We are simply doing this out of the kindness of our hearts. We do not send letters to inmates whos (alleged) crime(s) we believe are particularly malicious or acted on with no possibility of good-faith. We determine this broadly. We exclude all inmates with charges of sex crimes and murder. We try to give inmates the benefit of the doubt in most other situations. We do not expect anything in return.

What we do: Inner_about
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